Thursday, December 28, 2006


“These bloody dogs...getting under my car all the time and whining through the night….”shouted one of the neighbors of this sprawling multistory building in disgust as he rushed off to office to rake in the coffers and provide more and more comforts for his family and himself. True…. they are dogs but somehow I can’t bring myself to call them that.... like a derogatory remark….The poor animals did not ask to be born thus and man’s avarice for more cannot bring himself to show kindness to the downtrodden much less feed the harmless things some food. They inadvertently and inevitably guard and protect the houses of these rich heartless people despite their despicable behavior.

This part of me to love them and feel for them did not arise out of the fact that I own two beautiful intelligent adorable playful labs myself but was always dormant in me ever since I could understand and sense pain as a child. Earlier I used to curse shout and try to reform such neighbors but now feel that to set an example, precepts rather than preachings is the time tested mantra and so I fondle them and play with them and love them deliberately whenever someone is showing annoyance towards them.
Life’s like that....being starlwarts in their work field and earning the millions and going to temples and offering silk cloth and other monetary offerings wont get u half the so called “punya”but kindness towards the needy specially the creatures who suffer pain but cant tell, will get u closer to God. It’s not for nothing they say God shines through people and its time people started shining like God would have loved them to.


Pavitra said...

Excellent piece!! He he who are these neighbours by the way?? Mom stop antagonising people purposely, Tatha might have a heart-attack!!! Try more subtle tactics....set Rajani chitti on them!! ;-)I want a looong piece on J&M next!!

farishta said...

Prude stop demanding u are killing my natural talent for writing by giving me topics !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sh'shank said...

AH Ma'am I think What you have touched upon is very vital...
The hypocrisy of the elemental and the smartest beings on earth et al homo sapiens...
we could do by learning from the Woofs...
Either ways I really quite envy the monkeys...

Anu said...

its ironic that "man" considers dog as his best friend and that same man uses the same word dog in a derogatory fashion. So what can we call ourselves? civilized? baah humbug!

Tanu said...
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Tanu said...

Aha! thats where Pavitra got her beautiful heart from; ofcourse, her mother!! I think thats a very subtle way of bringing ur heartless neighbours to shame...I will try that too ;)

farishta said...
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farishta said...

Dear Friends..thnx for ur perceptions!:P to Prude!