Sunday, December 24, 2006

lifes journey

She definitely was meant to be snooty and independent and successful as well as authoritative which i can say by the way she was born with her nose up in the air!!!She refused to wail until whacked and then let out a little sob and then we knew she was alive and kicking though her eyes remained shut like that for a week!
We named her 'Pavitra' aptly as she is pure in thoughts and deeds and is allergic to summing up people as she believes in the saying " God himself does not judge a person until the end of his days ...why should u and i"
lifes journey was a big rollercoaster ride after that and this pretty miss has now landed in the UK to do her masters in Media Management and needless to say has discovered her talent for writing and blogs about lifes varied facets in an inimitable style............story not over yet as she has managed to rope in her mom who is quite a nincompooh to blog as well and my first ever post would naturally be about the apple of my eye my pure hearted Pavitra!


Pavitra said...

You're the best!! You put so much into such few words....beautiful! Am waiting for the next post!!

farishta said...

prude..u r the biggest nagpot in the world!!!!!!!!!!

Tanu said...

Very true Pavitra is my jaan too...thanks to u who brought her in this world and gave her the values she is loved for!!